(Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program)
Our President discussed about the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program or they called 4P's in his SONA .He said that this is one of his successful project that he did in 3 years of his existence.
4P's is the family that was given the opportunity to make their family success in their own life. 4P's was given to the family that can't afford or give a good life to their children. Many of the family was give by this because this project helps every family to succeed and to help the children to be more loyal to their studies. And the member of this must obey the rules and obligations. Each member should not use the money in unlawful acts. For example, buying cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and playing casino. If one of them violates this rule, they will removed. The obligation that they must do is to help their brgy. to keep it clean.They must go in their meetings, and their child must go to school everyday.
This is one of the project of the President that I know it is working and I know that if this will continue, many Filipino's will not suffer from poor life and this project will help every family to succeed in their life.